About Us
We are a Non-Profit organization of Retail Stores selling Art Glass Supplies, with Membership Worldwide. Established in 1998 as a non-profit business association.
If you own a store front Art Glass Shop who sells retail art glass and supplies to the public, joining R.A.G.S. is best thing you can do for your customers and your business.

Our Mission
To act as an agency to communicate and exchange information among retailers, as it applies to the retail segment of the stained glass industry. This has resulted in a broadening of our resources and a strengthening of our dedication to serving the industry of stained glass.
To establish communication with manufacturers, wholesalers, and art glass distributors, to create a better understanding of all levels of supply in the industry. This is accomplished by subscribing "guests" from various manufacturers and distributors, to our mail list in order to discuss issues relevant to the industry. This has led to a better understanding of the views from all levels of the supply structure in the stained glass industry.
To promote and extend knowledge among retailers of all phases of operation including, but not limited to safety, economics, new products, processes, and teaching. Ideas on class structure, syllabus design, public interest, and advertising are all shared, resulting in the best possible service to our customers and students.
To enhance the retail position in the stained glass marketplace. In a period of increased competition at all levels of supply, this has led to a better understanding of our position in the industry, and the methods by which we can strive to improve that position.
To provide organized representation from retailers and liaison with the other organizations within the stained glass industry. This has given us a strong voice in the stained glass community which can only serve to improve the stained glass industry as a whole.